The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


"The Columbian recommends a 'Yes' vote on Initiative 1107, which would repeal the tax increases. We do so for three reasons: our belief that an economic crisis is the worst time to increase taxes, the unpardonable secrecy that ushered these tax increases to reality, and the abject silliness nestled in the details of the legislation."
 -, 10.28.2010

I love candy. We call it "nannies" at my house. We love soda. It's my therapy. I really do NEED Diet Coke. I just do, okay? But if you're concerned, I can assure you I'm not addicted...I recently went nine weeks without my beloved Diet Coke and managed just fine, thank you! No convulsions, withdrawals, or headaches. I know I have now alleviated all your personal concerns about my DC consumption...moving on...

Initiative 1107 is an easy one for me. I was mad about this from the get-go. I-1107 ends the recent tax on candy, soda and bottled water. This was an arbitrary tax to add revenue to our state's general fund. 

Taxing these items was a simple solution for our legislature to neglect their job, which is to prioritize spending and government services. They simply tacked on a tax to soda, bottled water and candy, but made it more arbitrary than anything else. A Snickers bar is taxed, but not a Twix. Say what? This tax also hurt local manufacturers because they previously had a lower B&O tax; this advantage was taken away.

Opponents of I-1107 are mostly unions. I say this time and time again...unions need tax dollars to keep their jobs and their amazing pensions and amazing health care. When they are voting NO on I-1107 they are essentially voting for themselves. I-1107 opponents claim community health care centers and school class sizes are all at risk if 1107 passes...and honestly, they're right...because EVERYTHING SHOULD BE ON THE TABLE. All government programs should be analyzed with a microscope because when 1107 is approved, cuts WILL need to be made. And in my opinion, it's about freakin' time.

Another easy one. Washington friends: Vote YES on I-1107.

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