The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A History Lesson: Reagan

"Deterrence means simply this: making sure any adversary who thinks about attacking the United States or our allies or our vital interests concludes that the risks to him outweigh any potential gains. Once he understands that, he won't attack. We maintain the peace through our strength. Weakness only invites aggression."
 - President Ronald Reagan

I was a baby when Reagan became President.  It's obvious I don't have a lot of first-hand knowledge about his presidency, so when the current administration and the media compare Obama to Reagan regarding Obama's nuclear arms strategy, my interest was piqued. I had to do some digging to see if that was really true. 


Another fact: The liberals hated Reagan. They didn't like him one bit. But now they use him to provide validity to Obama's agenda. El Rushbo says, "...the left invokes Reagan any time they want to give credibility to one of their own in virtually anything." 

Obama is doing the complete opposite of Reagan. Obama is so focused on leading the world through moral judgement, but forgets terrorists aren't moral! They could care less about morality. They just want to blow us up.

Obama is coddling our enemies, telling them how nice we are and trying to sit down and make peace with them. He protects their rights (i.e, Miranda rights for the Christmas terrorist?!). And now he's cutting missile defense spending and reducing our stockpiles, which directly weakens our defenses. We may be able to live in a country where our health care goes to the dogs, but what about our liberty and safety? We cannot survive as a nation without strong defenses and leading the world as a national security powerhouse. We must always remain a force to be reckoned with, otherwise we will be trampled. 


1 comment:

  1. I've been reading alot about WWII mostly the war in the pacific. Our terrorists today are similar to the Japanese soldiers back then. The only option was death, to survive was weak. How do you fight against that? That is what we are faced with today. It is very scary to me.

    By the way, I do remember alot about Reagan, I remember the day we bombed Lebanon(sp?)I just remember feeling proud to be an American that day.

    Good post Reese, keep up the good work~Aim
