The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl XLIV was entertaining, no?  As a girl, the cuisine and commercials appeal to me, but I do have a secret crush on Peyton Manning, so I was interested in the game itself.  As to the ads, most of them were actually quite funny.  The first that comes to mind is the Betty White/Snickers commercial, and a close second is the Letterman/Oprah/Leno commercial.  Both funny and brought laughs.

I was excited for the Tim Tebow commercial and after it was over my reaction was: That's it?! This is what Pro-Choice advocates were all in a tiffy about?! There wasn't even mention of the word "abortion", which I would have appreciated. The spot was tame and understated, nothing I had predicted considering the hype generated over the last two weeks.

An AP article completely misquoted the ad saying:
"Heisman winner Tim Tebow and his mother talk about her difficult pregnancy with him and how she was advised to end the pregnancy. "  An obviously ridiculous statement since the ad has aired.

And CBS News quoted Erin Matson, Action VP National Organization for Women:
"This ad is frankly offensive.  It is hate masquerading as love.  It sends a message that abortion is always a mistake."

Rush has talked about this in past weeks, but the message is alarming. The battle today is not Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice.  It's actually PRO-LIFE vs. PRO-ABORT.  If you believe in a woman's right to choose, then you should respect her choice when she chooses birth.  The problem here is Pro-Choice is not really about choice at all.  When life is chosen over abortion the pro-choice agenda is threatened.  Ms. Tebow chose life and they evidently don't approve of that choice.

And what did you think of our tax dollars funding a Census commercial during one of the MOST watched programs EVER. It's only a couple million bucks. Awesome. Downright awesome.


1 comment:

  1. Loved Betty White! Also the Polamalu (sp?) groundhog one.
    I saw this clip and thought of you...
