"The big reason for pessimism is that a deal requires compromise, and the two sides' very definitions of compromise are poles apart. Democrats think compromise means trimming around the edges of the bills the House and Senate already have passed. Republicans think compromise means total abandonment of those bills."
I'm really starting to hate the health care debate. "Hate" is a not-nice word in our house, but I'm making an exception in this case as nothing else is sufficient to explain my utter dissatisfaction with the whole thing. It's exhausting disliking something so much. Good thing NBC is keeping me distracted. (see previous post)
I've always disagreed with government-run health care (and I'm reminded every time I go to the DMV or the DOL how bad government-run programs can be). But I'm really hating the "win at all costs" and "doubling down" attitude. How does any democrat sleep at night knowing they are completely disregarding public opinion? Our President and the democrat Congress are showing no signs of starting over or truly negotiating with the GOP. It just isn't going to happen...
It's gridlock. Total and utter gridlock. But you know what??...gridlock is good. It's the only thing preventing this disaster from going through.
But this is what's going to happen if the Dems get their way....(thanks to my friend, El Rushbo for helping me see the light):
They'll pass something...a full-fledged 10-year plan with lots of tax increases starting immediately, and program starting in 2012. Either through under-the-table payoffs or through reconciliation (a sly 'back-door' process of sorts). They are focused on getting something - anything signed.
And by the time ObamaCare is live in 2012, all of the "vote yes" democrat representatives will have been run out of office. The public is too smart to let them be re-elected.
So who will support this legislation after all the dems have been thrown overboard? No one.
In the words of El Rushbo himself: "Nobody's going to love this bill. Nobody's going to have any support for it. It's going to be an unwanted, unloved bill, dependent on the expanding bankrupt government."
And didn't Obama repeatedly promise he was focusing on jobs? If so, I'm left wondering why the heck he's back at the health care table. I think he may have some short-term memory issues...
Do you remember in Disney's Finding Nemo, how Dory can't recall Nemo's name?
Chico, Fabio, Bingo, Rocko, Reeemo, Harpo, Elmo
No matter what Dory calls him, he's still Nemo. It's the same with health care. Unless you start over, it's still the same horrendous piece of legislation...you're just calling it something different...and it's still not providing private sector jobs.
I wish I could speak whale.
I wish I could speak whale.
Rush Limbaugh 02.22.10
Wall Street Journal - Don't Expect Miracles...
Dory's Quotes
Unfortunately the current capitalist run program is far worse than the proposed government run one. People with money get awesome care while those without die. This is the danger of capitalism unchecked. When 1% of the population holds the majority of the wealth and wealth makes all the decisions much gets overlooked. We have to do something to protect the other 99% (of which we are both a part.) Have you read the plan?