The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"The Party of No"

The Republicans are being dragged through the mud a bit.  And who's doing the dragging?

Well, the Dems, of course.

Instead of talking about their failed attempts at legislation and their new plan going forward, they've instead chosen to focus on the Republican members of congress and berate them as the "Party of No".

The truth of the matter is when a discussion on bipartisanship surfaces, it's the Dems claiming they can't get the Republicans on board.  The Dems don't merely want compromise, they are asking the GOP to jump over the aisle and join their side.  The Dems want the GOP to sell out their party and their people before they can even have a seat at the table where the REAL negotiations are being hashed out.

Last Friday, President Obama joined House Republicans at their retreat. I like the Q&A with Obama because it's very rare you see him speak without a teleprompter.  At any rate, the House Republicans had compiled a list of proposals they had drafted this year and handed it over to the President.  See video snippet here.

It was especially eloquent considering Obama's SOTU address included this invitation:
But if anyone from either party has a better approach...let me know.  (Applause.)  Let me know.  Let me know.  (Applause.)  I'm eager to see it. 
Yet in his discussion with House Republicans he says, "I've read your legislation. I, I, I mean, I take a look at this stuff." To which I cock my head, roll my eyes and say,"Seriously?"  If he had read them, then what did he mean by his SOTU invitation?

There are solutions out there. They may be different, but they are out there.  Rep Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin had his in the Wall Street Journal last week, click here.  This is just one example.

The GOP may be the "Party of No" but their name has just been shortened from its more lengthier descriptions:

"The Party of No, I Will Not Support Your Progressive Socialist Agenda"
"The Party of No....Your Side is NOT the Middle"
"The Party of No, I Prefer to Represent the People"
and, don't forget
"The Party of No More Blaming Your Predecessor"
"The Party of No Negotiating With Terrorists"
"The Party of No, I Refuse to Allow the American People to be Taxed to Death"

Obviously, I could go on. You get the idea.

While I may not be super pleased with the GOP, I do appreciate them holding their ground on health care and government spending.  When you're essentially shut-out of discussions, your only option is to stand where you are, hold your ground, and withstand the fire.

1 comment:

  1. One guess who this quote is from. It is 40 years old.

    "Today the party now in power is advocating and has support, apparently in both major parties, for a comprehensive national health insurance program--a euphemism for socialized medicine. Our major danger is that we are currently (and have been for forty years) transferring responsibility from the individual, local, and state governments to the federal government--precisely the same course that led to the economic collapse in Great Britain and New York City. We cannot long pursue the present trend without its bringing us to national insolvency."
