The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Friday, February 19, 2010

No One is Above the Law - Not Even the Legislature

"So even if you raise tax rates, revenue continues to go down.  Governor Corzine raised tax rates last year.  Revenue was down by $2 billion."
 - Governor Chris Christie, New Jersey
I've been fired up the last few days with New Jersey's new Governer Chris Christie's speech and repeated attempts to defend his plan to CUT SPENDING.  He is requiring cuts across the board and promises no tax hikes...and the press is ALL over him.  But he's not backing down.  Man, I respect this guy.  I wish my own state would take note...

Our Washington, like most states, is in a budget crisis and needs to close the gap.  Unfortunately, the only thing WA knows how to do is raise taxes.  

But what is embarrassingly unethical and ridiculously irresponsible is our legislature is ever so close to suspending a voter-approved initiative (I-960) which requires a two-thirds majority to increase taxes. They will now only need a simple majority.  The elected officials with power to raise taxes are changing the law to ease the process to increase taxes...circumventing the will of the people.

*tilting head*  

That is soooo not right.

Have you met a 15-year old on the cusp of driving?  One that knows the days, hours, minutes until they take their driving test?  What if these 15-year olds were given the power to change the legal driving you think they would?  Um...yeah.  What about asking a 20-year old their thoughts on adjusting the legal drinking age?  Difficult decision?  Hardly.

Well, these representatives are the same!  They are changing the rules to improve their position and get what they want.  I-960 is a check on taxes. But now our representatives are willfully ignoring this check imposed by the people and giving themselves a free pass.  It's too dang easy.  Nobody wants to make the hard decisions.  Nobody wants to say no.  

The arguments for suspending I-960 sound so ridiculous to me!

Here from The Daily Evergreen Online, get a load of these statements:

"Republican demands to find solutions for the state debt without raising taxes are simply unrealistic.  Republican propositions would force the Legislature to make cuts across the board to all programs."

Oh, boo hoo!'s hard!  Have you had to sit down in your own family and make cuts across the board?  It's never easy.  Some programs will have to cut back...or become more efficient.  It's not impossible.  

"This proves lawmakers are not attempting to remove the democratic process, but allow for less debate and more action."

I do believe the root of the democratic process requires debate and discussion. Herbert Humphrey said, "Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent and debate."  Debate is necessary.  Rash action is damaging and almost always regrettable in hindsight.  

"By the time I-960 is reinstated, Washington state's economy may have improved so taxes can be lowered to previous levels."

Let me tell you something....
I have no doubt in my mind if a tax increase is authorized to close our current gap we will live with it permanently.  This is so short-sighted and plain 'ole dumb.  

Now the other side:
"Our system cannot withstand a tax burden that continually increases. There's a tipping point when there will be more people in the wagon than those pulling it.  The voters' approval of our taxpayer protection initiatives year after year is proof positive that politicians still aren't listening."  (Tim Eyman)

And this from the Yakima Valley News:

"The majority's willingness to tell citizens they know better is a slap in the face to hardworking employers and families.  This is just more evidence for folks who don't trust their government anymore."  (Rep. Charles Ross, R-Naches)

And just like New Jersey's Gov. Christie has said (paraphrasing)...when you raise taxes on people who are already struggling to meet the day-to-day challenges of maintaining a job and keeping their homes, you essentially drive them out.  When they get tapped out, they leave...and the government LOSES money.  

Sayonara, Washington!  

Be prepared for an exodus...and I'm on the list to leave if things continue to worsen (and I can convince the hubster!).   


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