The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Professor Obama...He's in charge...and don't you forget.

The Summit's over...phew!  Now we can go back to where we were before this thing started.  It's fair to assume both sides want reform (I agree), but while the GOP wants smaller steps ensuring success along the way the Dems are prepared to dive in head first. The two sides are so polarized at the gate it's impossible to seek middle ground on specific provisions when you can't even compromise on strategy.  

Here are some quotes and thoughts... 

Harry Reid speaking of Obama said this today: "He sat through that and listened to everything and was so patient and responsive.  It was an issue-oriented meeting.  The president let everybody talk and talk and talk."  

And by "everybody" I'm assuming Reid is talking about his fellow democrats and the president himself considering the time breakdown looked like this:

 - President Obama = 117 minutes
 - Democrat lawmakers = 114 minutes
 - Republican lawmakers = 110 minutes

And what I love is this little bit of arrogance from our President (referring to the Republicans lack of speaking opportunity:

"You're right, there was an imbalance on the opening statements because I'm the president. I didn't count my time in terms of dividing it evenly."

So, yes, he's king...he's exempt from the rules. Or should I say, Professor/King.  The summit basically turned into an Obama lecture, but the embarrassing fact was Obama wasn't even too familiar with the material.  

See for yourself:

Exhibit A: When Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) referred to the estimate from the Congressional Budget Office stating individual policy premiums would be 10-16% higher than premiums under current policy, Obama claimed this was "not factually accurate," when it's actually right in the bill. 

Obama later clarified the rise in premiums would be for "better coverage" than the "bad insurance" people currently have.  Yeah, all that insurance we currently have is "bad" alright.  If it doesn't have Obama's name on it, it must be "bad".  

And is that justification for lying to the American people?  Promising costs will go down, when actually they'll go up?  The Dems defense is yes, costs will go up but there will be subsidies to help defray these costs. But no matter how you slice it, the subsidies must come from somewhere...taxes...and it's still an increase.  

Exhibit B:  I don't know much about Sen Tom Coburn (R-OK), but from his talking points at the summit I think he and I might get along.  Here are a few great quotes:

Talking about fraud in Medicare/Aid, which is $1 out of every $3...can you say wow!?  Coburn said:

"I don't know many people that will disagree that one in three dollars doesn't help somebody get well...we ought to be going for that one in three dollars.  And we ought to do it NOT by creating a whole bunch of new government programs but by creating an incentive to reward people."  

Did you know Coburn is a physician?  I would suggest he has relevant and noteworthy background experience.  I am a big supporter of public incentives to encourage responsible management of one's health care.  As I mentioned in my last post, we pay a lot for our coverage but we are also much more cognizant of our health costs (we have a high-ish deductible).  It works people.  I am a living testament.  

Also, Coburn talked about doctors and how their fears of malpractice suits was "akin to extortion" that drives doctors to order tests for their own protection rather than for patients.  

It's no secret the people of this country are sue-happy...medical malpractice regulations could go a long way in cutting medical expenses and the cost of care.  

Exhibit C: Bob Moffit's analysis, as quoted by The Heritage Foundation, notes a scary provision in the government plan, which Obama continues to deny as a government takeover of the health care system:

"Since the inception of the debate, it should be noted that the President insisted that his health policy agenda did NOT constitute a federal takeover of the health care system.  In fact, it is very much a federal takeover...In the outline of his proposal...the President would add to the federal powers embodied in the Senate bill.  The most important would be a new Federal Health Insurance Rate Authority, which would provide federal "assistance and oversight" to the states conducting reviews of "unreasonable rate increases" and "unfair practices" of health insurance plans.  This, of course, establishes for the first time a legislative basis for the imposition of price controls on health insurance.  If government can control both health benefits and health care pricing, that's the proverbial ball game.  Private health care would be "private" in name only.  

Now, if that doesn't scare you, you must be so dang progressive you can't see the forest for the trees.  It's alarming.  Now THAT would keep me awake at night.  

And do you want to know what made me smile?  Seeing Obama distracted and lose focus so easily.  I felt he often pulled off topic and simply said, "That's just a talking point, we're not going there"....or to McCain, "We're not campaigning anymore" or my favorite?...

When Obama lays into Rep Eric Cantor (R-Va) about Cantor bringing copies of the health care bills calling it "stagecraft" and a "political stunt".  

Wait a mean, Cantor brought the background material that was the basis for the summit and Obama thinks this is a political stunt?   That's laughable!!  This WAS a discussion about the health care bills right? 

It's been suggested the entire summit was a political stunt for Obama and the Dems to put a face to the gridlock.  Well, it's done and I actually think the GOP had a decent showing.  Of course there was no compromise...of course the House and Senate will now work towards reconciliation...and, of course, our President and his congressional minions will forge ahead and rule against the will of the people.    


On a more personal note...

"If you think [the people] want a government takeover of health care, I would simply submit you're not listening to them." 
 - Rep Paul Ryan (R-Wis)

I'm working on a post in reaction to the summit today, but the Olympics got the best of me tonight (I was three days behind on my TIVO-ed coverage) and I just want to leave you with a personal rant about health care:  

In case you didn't know, our family pays out the nose for our health insurance.  The hubster receives a portion of his health insurance premium as part of his employee benefits (about 55%), but for me and the kiddos we are basically self-insured.  We pay the entire premium and it's NOT CHEAP.  Not by a mile. You'd think I'd be the first in line for government health care...but let me be perfectly clear...I will fight the Dems and this bill tooth and nail.

Government-run health care will destroy the system as we know it by: contracting the field of medicine and eliminating the best doctors and medical professionals, lowering standards of care, increasing costs, and destroying  the private insurance industry and millions of jobs.  (Please note: this list is not exhaustive)

Please raise your hand if you have been served by a government program that was efficient, cost-conscious, provided a high level of customer care and was easy to work with?

What?  No hands?

Can this be so?  

Have you heard of "red tape"?  Well, under a government takeover, your health care will be wrapped cocoon-like in red tape.  

My point is this: our family is insured because we make it a priority. Anyone can purchase some level of insurance, if they so choose.  

But you have to want it...and you have to be willing to pay for it.  

And, another thing...all this talk about people dying because they don't have health just plain RIDICULOUS. Any person can walk into an ER and receive care.  I will not allow the Dems to portray me as a greedy, unsympathetic, uncharitable, hateful person simply because I don't want the government to infringe upon rights to my health.   

I AM a nice person...and I stand by that...

...because I'm nice.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh, Come on Harry...

Men, when they're outta work, tend to become abusive.  Our domestic crisis shelters in Nevada are jammed.  It's the way it is all over the country.
 - Sen Harry Reid 

Oh, Harry. *sigh*  You are going to get yourself in trouble over this one.  Now every American woman is afraid of her jobless husband/boyfriend/acquaintance.  I have known plenty of men who have been unemployed at one time or another...and each of them may convey a sense of defeat to a point...or maybe it's humility...but whatever it is, I would suggest in most cases it's certainly not violence.

You really are getting desperate on accomplishing SOMETHING in the Senate.  

Is your family going to need a crisis shelter when you're out of a job this fall?  

It's a difficult atmosphere in our country right now, but you [my readers] probably weren't aware of the mass hysteria due to violent unemployed men, now were you?  

Well, now considered yourself warned.  Thanks, Harry.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Calling For Bipartisanship is a Joke

"The big reason for pessimism is that a deal requires compromise, and the two sides' very definitions of compromise are poles apart.  Democrats think compromise means trimming around the edges of the bills the House and Senate already have passed. Republicans think compromise means total abandonment of those bills."
 - WSJ
I'm really starting to hate the health care debate. "Hate" is a not-nice word in our house, but I'm making an exception in this case as nothing else is sufficient to explain my utter dissatisfaction with the whole thing. It's exhausting disliking something so much.  Good thing NBC is keeping me distracted. (see previous post)  

I've always disagreed with government-run health care (and I'm reminded every time I go to the DMV or the DOL how bad government-run programs can be).  But I'm really hating the "win at all costs" and "doubling down" attitude. How does any democrat sleep at night knowing they are completely disregarding public opinion? Our President and the democrat Congress are showing no signs of starting over or truly negotiating with the GOP. It just isn't going to happen...

It's gridlock. Total and utter gridlock. But you know what??...gridlock is good.  It's the only thing preventing this disaster from going through.  

But this is what's going to happen if the Dems get their way....(thanks to my friend, El Rushbo for helping me see the light):
They'll pass something...a full-fledged 10-year plan with lots of tax increases starting immediately, and program starting in 2012.  Either through under-the-table payoffs or through reconciliation (a sly 'back-door' process of sorts). They are focused on getting something - anything signed. 
And by the time ObamaCare is live in 2012, all of the "vote yes" democrat representatives will have been run out of office.  The public is too smart to let them be re-elected.
So who will support this legislation after all the dems have been thrown overboard? No one.  
In the words of El Rushbo himself:  "Nobody's going to love this bill.  Nobody's going to have any support for it.  It's going to be an unwanted, unloved bill, dependent on the expanding bankrupt government."
And didn't Obama repeatedly promise he was focusing on jobs?  If so, I'm left wondering why the heck he's back at the health care table.  I think he may have some short-term memory issues...

Do you remember in Disney's Finding Nemo, how Dory can't recall Nemo's name?

Chico, Fabio, Bingo, Rocko, Reeemo, Harpo, Elmo

No matter what Dory calls him, he's still Nemo.  It's the same with health care.  Unless you start over, it's still the same horrendous piece of're just calling it something different...and it's still not providing private sector jobs.

I wish I could speak whale.

Rush Limbaugh 02.22.10
Wall Street Journal - Don't Expect Miracles...
Dory's Quotes

Do Not Disturb...unless you're Bob Costas

Let's be honest: 

I'm staying up way too late and I am getting nothing done.

The Olympics are killing me (and my house) with each passing day. I love the theatrics and back-stories and I want Mary Carillo's tall black riding boots.     

After attending the Opening Ceremonies last weekend, I got the bug and I'm hooked. Go U.S.A!

But, I have been loosely following the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) this past weekend.

And when I say "loosely follow" I mean scanning articles while I cheer on Lindsey Vonn and Bode Miller and try to regain my eye focus after looking at Johnny Weir's costumes for too long.  I call it Sequin Eye Sore, but I still can't look away. And, is it just me, or does Evan Lysacek look a lot better without his hair slicked back? And what about Apolo Ohno...who doesn't love him?...besides the Koreans.

Tonight USA Hockey tromped on Canada.  I don't follow hockey and even I know that's a huge deal.

We are only halfway...I have one more week of speeding through my TIVO-ed hours of Olympic coverage after the kiddos are sleeping.  And is that a bad thing?

But, back to the CPAC...

I've never been too interested in previous years, but this year I am. I want to know what the Conservative stage is looking like as we approach mid-term elections and look to 2012.

Politico has some good articles.  Sounds like Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and Mark Rubio all made a good showing.

Here are some quotes I've gathered:
"It's not enough just to not suck as much as the other side." (Glenn Beck)
"All men are created equal.  All men will not end up equal...Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness itself.  Along the way, if they become successful, conservatives believe you shouldn't be demonized or penalized for it." (Glenn Beck)
"In case you didn't hear the late-breaking news, the gold medal in the downhill was taken away from American Lindsey Vonn.  It was determined that President Obama is going downhill faster than she is."  (Mitt Romney)
"Of course, the President accuses us of being the party of 'no.'  It's as if he thinks that saying 'no' is by definition a bad thing.  In fact, it is right and praiseworthy to say no to bad things."  (Mitt Romney)
"From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts we are witnessing the single greatest pushback in American history."  (Mark Rubio)
I followed the tweets of a friend of mine from college who attended the event.  Makes me think I might enjoy something like that.  But, either way, lots going on this week in the political arena.  The big health care summit is this Thursday at the White House.  I sure hope those Republicans know what they are getting into...should be interesting to see what happens.

Stay tuned...I gotta get back to Mr. Costas.


Friday, February 19, 2010

No One is Above the Law - Not Even the Legislature

"So even if you raise tax rates, revenue continues to go down.  Governor Corzine raised tax rates last year.  Revenue was down by $2 billion."
 - Governor Chris Christie, New Jersey
I've been fired up the last few days with New Jersey's new Governer Chris Christie's speech and repeated attempts to defend his plan to CUT SPENDING.  He is requiring cuts across the board and promises no tax hikes...and the press is ALL over him.  But he's not backing down.  Man, I respect this guy.  I wish my own state would take note...

Our Washington, like most states, is in a budget crisis and needs to close the gap.  Unfortunately, the only thing WA knows how to do is raise taxes.  

But what is embarrassingly unethical and ridiculously irresponsible is our legislature is ever so close to suspending a voter-approved initiative (I-960) which requires a two-thirds majority to increase taxes. They will now only need a simple majority.  The elected officials with power to raise taxes are changing the law to ease the process to increase taxes...circumventing the will of the people.

*tilting head*  

That is soooo not right.

Have you met a 15-year old on the cusp of driving?  One that knows the days, hours, minutes until they take their driving test?  What if these 15-year olds were given the power to change the legal driving you think they would?  Um...yeah.  What about asking a 20-year old their thoughts on adjusting the legal drinking age?  Difficult decision?  Hardly.

Well, these representatives are the same!  They are changing the rules to improve their position and get what they want.  I-960 is a check on taxes. But now our representatives are willfully ignoring this check imposed by the people and giving themselves a free pass.  It's too dang easy.  Nobody wants to make the hard decisions.  Nobody wants to say no.  

The arguments for suspending I-960 sound so ridiculous to me!

Here from The Daily Evergreen Online, get a load of these statements:

"Republican demands to find solutions for the state debt without raising taxes are simply unrealistic.  Republican propositions would force the Legislature to make cuts across the board to all programs."

Oh, boo hoo!'s hard!  Have you had to sit down in your own family and make cuts across the board?  It's never easy.  Some programs will have to cut back...or become more efficient.  It's not impossible.  

"This proves lawmakers are not attempting to remove the democratic process, but allow for less debate and more action."

I do believe the root of the democratic process requires debate and discussion. Herbert Humphrey said, "Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent and debate."  Debate is necessary.  Rash action is damaging and almost always regrettable in hindsight.  

"By the time I-960 is reinstated, Washington state's economy may have improved so taxes can be lowered to previous levels."

Let me tell you something....
I have no doubt in my mind if a tax increase is authorized to close our current gap we will live with it permanently.  This is so short-sighted and plain 'ole dumb.  

Now the other side:
"Our system cannot withstand a tax burden that continually increases. There's a tipping point when there will be more people in the wagon than those pulling it.  The voters' approval of our taxpayer protection initiatives year after year is proof positive that politicians still aren't listening."  (Tim Eyman)

And this from the Yakima Valley News:

"The majority's willingness to tell citizens they know better is a slap in the face to hardworking employers and families.  This is just more evidence for folks who don't trust their government anymore."  (Rep. Charles Ross, R-Naches)

And just like New Jersey's Gov. Christie has said (paraphrasing)...when you raise taxes on people who are already struggling to meet the day-to-day challenges of maintaining a job and keeping their homes, you essentially drive them out.  When they get tapped out, they leave...and the government LOSES money.  

Sayonara, Washington!  

Be prepared for an exodus...and I'm on the list to leave if things continue to worsen (and I can convince the hubster!).   


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Global Warming: You're Hired!

"No Snow, too much snow.  It does not matter to the enviroleft crowd.  For them, global warming always is to blame."
- Conn Caroll, The Heritage Foundation
There is nothing Global Warming can not do.  Man, if Global Warming were actually a person, he'd  have no problem getting a job.  He'd be ridiculously hire-able considering he's a "can do it all" kind of a guy.

Have you watched the Olympics?  The commentators repeatedly talk about the lack of snow...and who's to blame?  Global Warming, of course.  And what about Snowmageddon in the East?...who's to blame?  Global Warming, of course.

In Conn Caroll's article he links to this website, which tracks all things caused by Global Warming.  Examples include: "Atlantic ocean less salty, Atlantic ocean more salty, Earth slowing down, Earth spinning faster, fish bigger, fish shrinking..." 

Do you see a trend?  No matter how you slice it, Global Warming is always the cause.  It's pretty much running our lives.  Next thing you know our President will be blaming his proposed tax hikes as a result of Global Warming....

...oh wait...

...he already is!!!  Have you heard of a little thing called Cap and Trade?

I'm telling you, Global Warming is just another way for our government to control our lives.  There's a lot of money at stake.  Businesses hang in the balance.  Our livelihoods are at stake.  Cap and Trade will literally affect every line item in your personal financial budget.

But there's a glimmer...the flawed research is beginning to be exposed, although it's difficult to tell considering it's getting relatively no publicity in our mainstream media.  Thank goodness for media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal which had an Op Ed today about the continuing downward spiral of the climate research:
"Phil Jones, who stepped down as head of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit amid the climate email scandal, told the BBC that the world may well have been warmer during medieval times than it is now.  This raises doubts about how much our current warming is man-made as opposed to merely another of the natural climate shifts that have taken place over the centuries.  Mr. Jones also told the BBC there has been no 'statistically significant' warming over the past 15 years..."
This is the guy who was a part of the entrenched team of scientists who have literally cooked the books on Global Warming.  But people are starting to smart up.  Even Donald Trump called for Al Gore to be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize.  Wouldn't that be awesome!!

Soooo awesome!  And maybe Trump could be there and say, "You're Fired!" Because, honestly, if Al Gore loses Global Warming, he's got nothing.

A Complete List of Things Caused by Global Warming
The Continuing Climate Meltdown - WSJ
Donald Trump Says Al Gore Should Lose His Prize
Is There Anything it Can't Do? - Heritage Foundation

Monday, February 15, 2010

In Honor of Presidents' Day

Have you heard about this billboard? It's in Minnesota and was paid for by a group of small business owners who felt "Washington was against them." 

And the answer?  YES

Yes, I miss him.
And yes, Washington is against small businesses.

Washington has small businesses completely wrong.  Last week Obama stated small businesses weren't growing because they can't get loans to meet payroll.  
I don't own a small business, never have, but I DO know the first checks (after taxes, of course) go to the employees. 

Meet payroll first.

Now, if Obama thinks businesses can't get loans, could it possibly be a result of the new restrictions he's placed on the banks? And even if they have loans and are using them to meet payroll, doesn't that suggest these business are in trouble?  If they need cash to meet payroll, they have bigger probs on the horizon. 

In actuality, small businesses are hedging.  They are waiting.  They don't want to hire and then be forced to downsize after Obama's taxes are approved. Small businesses will see HUGE tax liabilities if Cap and Trade and Health Care come to fruition...not to mention the other income/earnings tax hikes down the pike. 

Our President has no business experience.  He's never run anything in his life...except for this country and he's running it into ruins. Too bad we are the guinea pigs. But yet again, he claims to be all-knowing and out for our best interests, which is ridiculously arrogant.  

So, in honor of Presidents' Day I'm remembering my conservative Presidents and looking forward to a new president in 2012.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Biden: Downplays Palin / Takes Credit for Iraq

"Governor Palin appeals to a group of people who are generally frustrated, feel disenfranchised, [and] are very conservative...She has appeal beyond that as well, but I don’t know that it represents anything approaching a significant portion of the population.”

 - Joe Biden 02.10.10
Wake up Biden!!  This whole country is getting frustrated and disenfranchised
Have you seen the polls lately?

I couldn't let this go today.  Biden cracks me up. 
On Larry King last night not only did he convey his distaste for Palin, but...

Biden also took credit for the war in Iraq:
"I'm very optimistic about Iraq...this can be one of the great achievements of this Administration."

Oh man, this deserves about 300 eye-rolls.  
Both Biden and Obama have vehemently opposed the war in Iraq since it started. 
 They even thought it was better to claim defeat and walk.  
Oh, but they want to take credit.

The War began in March 2003.
We've been at war just shy of SEVEN years.
Obama's been in office ONE of those years.

Are they deserving of the credit?

And as to Palin, I certainly believe she is a bit unpolished, but give the girl some time.  She is just getting started. Matt Latimer (former presidential speech-writer) was on the Michael Medved Show today and had positive things to say about Palin.   Here is some of his advice:
"Throughout my time in politics, I've heard various "facts" reported about Republican leaders.  Ronald Reagan was a dope, George W. Bush couldn't put two sentences together...Donald Rumsfeld was a fire-breathing monster.  None of those things were true.  I know because with the exception of Reagan, I met them all. 
"Now we hear that Sarah Palin is a moron who can't possibly win the GOP nomination for president.  I don't know the governor at all, but if history is any guide, that might not be true either.  And Sarah Palin did something that no one else in the Republican Party has managed to do for some time -- excite voters and get their attention. That's not nothing."  
I jumped on the Palin bandwagon after I found out she RETURNED stolen taxpayer money to Alaska residents after uncovering corruption between Alaska Representatives and Oil Companies.  Plus she revamped oil tax policy to protect the money.  I'm not ashamed.  She takes on the big, she knows how to use a gun.

Biden Discussion on Rush Limbaugh
Sarah Palin Facts
Biden on Larry King

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Teleprompter > Hand? I don't think so.

Sarah Palin is getting some serious flack over some words apparently written on her hand. In fact it's taking newsworthy preference over the President's tanking poll numbers (which came out yesterday and are again, sinking).

Apparently Palin had three words written on her hand during an interview at the Tea Party Convention over the weekend.  With all the hype it's generated she should have considered selling advertising space on that hand...she could be making a killing!

Even Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary felt the need to mock the hand at a press conference yesterday.  This is almost as important as national security, health care concerns and our record-breaking deficit, right?  Enough so to warrant mention at a press conference.  Gibbs is a disgrace.

CNN is berating the notes on her hand as hypocritical because she has been publicly harsh on Pres. Obama's dependence on his teleprompter.  Say what?!

Is this a fair comparison?  The President very rarely speaks candidly.  He has most every speech written in COMPLETE detail even to groups of less than twenty.  Poor Palin had three things written on her hand.  I can hardly call that a comparison.  Do you see this pic:

It's our president....
speaking to middle and elementary school kids...
in a classroom...
and he needs a teleprompter...
and a podium for goodness sakes.

I guess he really felt the need to impress his power and prestige over these young children.  I mean, come on, the teleprompter is a given considering his history, but a podium???  This made me laugh out loud. There is NO contest here.  Obama takes the cake hands down.

It's evident the liberals view Palin as a threat. These mainstream media outlets know she has the ability to inspire and rally the conservatives of this nation.  They are scared of her and will do whatever it takes to drag her through the mud.

The sad part?  This is their ammunition.  This?! 

The funny part?  Do you think Fmr Gov Palin cares?  Absolutely not.  She's probably laughing.


Washington Closed...until the fall?

"Even before the storm arrived in the nation's capital, the House announced it was scrapping the rest of its workweek.  Several hearings and meetings were postponed."
 - Associated Press

Lots of snow in the East.  It's front page headlines.  "SNOW shuts down Washington!"  I was a tad disappointed Obama's drop in the polls didn't earn front-page consideration.  His ratings dropped...again...but you may not have heard.  But so goes the mainstream media.  They are too busy talking about Sarah Palin's hand (post coming soon).  

Is it just me or would it be amazingly awesome if the snow closed up shop in DC on a bit more permanent basis?, until the Fall elections?  I figure the more time passes without our looney Congress unable to pass even more fiscally irresponsible legislation the better.

And apparently some people are concerned about the waste in tax-payer dollars due to the loss of productivity.  But, here's my thinking: our government wastes a couple hundred million bucks at lightning speed, so maybe they could actually IMPROVE the deficit by simply NOT working.

I'm serious. Somebody crunch the numbers. Congress: stop working.  It will be better for the American People.

Also, is this more evidence of those ridiculous global warming claims?...which are continuing to unravel at the seams.  Do you know parts of the Nobel Peace Prize winning research on Global Warming were based on two non-published student dissertations?  And others were based on reports from environmental pressure groups?  Now doesn't that just sound super objective.  And still others were based on an article in a Mountaineering Magazine.  Seriously...THIS is the research that is changing the way we live our lives.  I refuse to accept flawed, biased and elementary research as proof of man-made global warming.

So, while we prep for more rain and cooler temps here in the Northwest, I send along the best of luck to my east coast friends.  Snuggle up with some hot cocoa and know we are only praying for the snow to stall our government's progressive agenda...not yours (as long as its not progressive).  

Global Warming Errors
Snow Buries East
Snow Shuts Down Federal Government
Obama's Poll Results

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl XLIV was entertaining, no?  As a girl, the cuisine and commercials appeal to me, but I do have a secret crush on Peyton Manning, so I was interested in the game itself.  As to the ads, most of them were actually quite funny.  The first that comes to mind is the Betty White/Snickers commercial, and a close second is the Letterman/Oprah/Leno commercial.  Both funny and brought laughs.

I was excited for the Tim Tebow commercial and after it was over my reaction was: That's it?! This is what Pro-Choice advocates were all in a tiffy about?! There wasn't even mention of the word "abortion", which I would have appreciated. The spot was tame and understated, nothing I had predicted considering the hype generated over the last two weeks.

An AP article completely misquoted the ad saying:
"Heisman winner Tim Tebow and his mother talk about her difficult pregnancy with him and how she was advised to end the pregnancy. "  An obviously ridiculous statement since the ad has aired.

And CBS News quoted Erin Matson, Action VP National Organization for Women:
"This ad is frankly offensive.  It is hate masquerading as love.  It sends a message that abortion is always a mistake."

Rush has talked about this in past weeks, but the message is alarming. The battle today is not Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice.  It's actually PRO-LIFE vs. PRO-ABORT.  If you believe in a woman's right to choose, then you should respect her choice when she chooses birth.  The problem here is Pro-Choice is not really about choice at all.  When life is chosen over abortion the pro-choice agenda is threatened.  Ms. Tebow chose life and they evidently don't approve of that choice.

And what did you think of our tax dollars funding a Census commercial during one of the MOST watched programs EVER. It's only a couple million bucks. Awesome. Downright awesome.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buyer's Remorse

If this budget is Mr. Obama's first clear demonstration of his long-term governing priorities, then it's hard not to conclude that this spending boom is deliberate. It is an effort to put in place programs and spending commitments that will require vast new tax increases and give the political class a claim on far more private American wealth.
 - Wall Street Journal, 02/03/10

I keep wondering when all the folks who actually voted for "Hope and Change" start to get nervous and have a bad case of buyer's remorse.

The budget came out on Monday.  It's scary.  It makes me physically nervous and anxious when I think about it for longer than 2.1 seconds. Are you nauseated yet?

Do you remember this promise from the Obama Campaign:

"Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." (Sept 08 Town Hall meeting in Dover)

Well, not that anyone's surprised, but taxes are going up.  WAY UP.  The only way to support Obama's spending plans is to increase taxes. He's going back on his word (again).

There are some great articles (linked below) talking about what the budget really means.  It basically means we will pay more...whether you make above $250k or not.  Here are some snippets:

Say goodbye to the Charitable Donation Deduction (people will STOP giving!).

Say goodbye to your marginal tax rate; it's going up.

Say goodbye to your investment earnings...the Capital Gains tax rate is almost DOUBLING!

Say hello to the Death Tax. [Sidenote: I heard a great discussion on the Michael Medved show a few weeks ago about this.  It literally blew me mind. The Federal Government believes they deserve a double dip on your earnings.  Once you die, they want to tax your entire estate AGAIN...and to the tune of 55%.  This WILL get its own post.]

Say goodbye to the College and Tuition Tax Credit....(This is $4k) GONE!

Say goodbye to the State-Sales Tax Deduction...GONE!  (this is a big one for my fellow Washingtonians)

People. Listen Up. Stay informed.  Talk to your friends.  Get the word out.

You are about to empty your pockets and hand over your hard-earned cash-o-lah to the government.

Sources and Goooood Material:

Monday, February 1, 2010

"The Party of No"

The Republicans are being dragged through the mud a bit.  And who's doing the dragging?

Well, the Dems, of course.

Instead of talking about their failed attempts at legislation and their new plan going forward, they've instead chosen to focus on the Republican members of congress and berate them as the "Party of No".

The truth of the matter is when a discussion on bipartisanship surfaces, it's the Dems claiming they can't get the Republicans on board.  The Dems don't merely want compromise, they are asking the GOP to jump over the aisle and join their side.  The Dems want the GOP to sell out their party and their people before they can even have a seat at the table where the REAL negotiations are being hashed out.

Last Friday, President Obama joined House Republicans at their retreat. I like the Q&A with Obama because it's very rare you see him speak without a teleprompter.  At any rate, the House Republicans had compiled a list of proposals they had drafted this year and handed it over to the President.  See video snippet here.

It was especially eloquent considering Obama's SOTU address included this invitation:
But if anyone from either party has a better approach...let me know.  (Applause.)  Let me know.  Let me know.  (Applause.)  I'm eager to see it. 
Yet in his discussion with House Republicans he says, "I've read your legislation. I, I, I mean, I take a look at this stuff." To which I cock my head, roll my eyes and say,"Seriously?"  If he had read them, then what did he mean by his SOTU invitation?

There are solutions out there. They may be different, but they are out there.  Rep Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin had his in the Wall Street Journal last week, click here.  This is just one example.

The GOP may be the "Party of No" but their name has just been shortened from its more lengthier descriptions:

"The Party of No, I Will Not Support Your Progressive Socialist Agenda"
"The Party of No....Your Side is NOT the Middle"
"The Party of No, I Prefer to Represent the People"
and, don't forget
"The Party of No More Blaming Your Predecessor"
"The Party of No Negotiating With Terrorists"
"The Party of No, I Refuse to Allow the American People to be Taxed to Death"

Obviously, I could go on. You get the idea.

While I may not be super pleased with the GOP, I do appreciate them holding their ground on health care and government spending.  When you're essentially shut-out of discussions, your only option is to stand where you are, hold your ground, and withstand the fire.