The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Will NOT Be Belittled!

My life is in chaos right now, but this has torn a fire through me and I want all of my readers (hi mom and my sisters!) to know how the left continues to belittle and degrade women and their cries for "Women's Rights" are hypocritical and hostile. The left constantly talks about how Conservatives hate women, how we want to withhold birth control rights or tie up their sexual adventures...blah blah blah. But THIS!!! From a woman who is a major adviser to President Obama...and notice how little press there is about it all...

Hilary Rosen on CNN last night had this to say about Ann Romney:
“With respect to economic issues, I think, actually, Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their family, and the like. But he doesn’t connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues. When I listen to my wife that’s what I’m hearing. Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the economic issues that — a majority of issues that women are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send to them to school, and how we worry about their future.
It's insane. If I was Ann Romney I might just walk up to Hilary Rosen and slap her in the face. Okay, I probably wouldn't do that, but I may ask her to pay a visit to a house like mine and see for herself what the day in the life of a stay-at-home mom looks like. It's a pretty crazy day. And it's the hardest work out there. It's a life of meeting other people's needs. It's a life spent taking full responsibility for every part of a child's life....EVEN the economic needs. Don't tell a stay-at-home mom she doesn't understand basic economics, because she is usually the one managing the budget, doing the grocery shopping, paying the babysitters (on the oft chance she gets to get out!). It's not easy...even if you are not poor. Some days it's downright terrible. But for moms that choose to stay home, it's in no way a second-rate option to working. For most moms it's a sacred and rewarding and vital role. 

EVEN if you don't like Mitt, how can you say this about his wife?! My goodness, the woman has battled cancer, MS, and raised five boys. Maybe I need to repeat that: RAISED.FIVE.BOYS. Are you insane! This woman probably wanted to send all of those boys to boarding school at one time or another, because I'm pretty sure boys do that to their moms every now and again. Boys are tough. They are rough and tumble and my life with three little girls differs drastically from anything Ann experienced!

So, in the name of feminism (which has such a terrible connotation these days), this is me expressing my complete and utter disgust that a WOMAN belittle the choice of another woman to stay at home and take full responsibility for raising her children. It's just downright disrespectful. If you are a woman, no matter working or not, this should disgust you. Liberals like to tell you they look out for the "little people", but in reality, they are constantly looking down at anyone that chooses something different from them. Don't be fooled by the antics of the left. They want to berate you until you agree with them, or have you tear apart your neighbor because they make different choices in their life. 

Ann Romney deserves a pat on the back for raising responsible, community-involved boys who have values and morals and contribute to society.

I'm just mad today. Don't try and cross me on this one!


  1. AMEN! I am appalled when comments like these come up. Any one who had a mother, knows a mother or is a mother should understand why everything about her statement is absurd!

    Keep standing up for what you believe, it is inspiring!

  2. SO glad to see you have a blog and I love that you are so happily sharing your opinion. GO YOU!

    In a perfect world, both sides would stick to the issues and not make the elections personal but that will never ever happen, unfortunately.

    It's probably not right for me to lump their five sons in with the other outstanding LDS husbands/fathers I know but the Romney's have seemingly raised five GOOD men. As someone who is still searching for one of those for herself, I admire both of the Romney's for how they've raised their boys. We need more parents like them!

    Besides the points you made, I also hate that people begrudge them for being wealthy. Why is that a bad thing? Who can afford to run for President anyway but someone with money? One more thing, (going off on a bunny trail) but someone on FB yesterday was complaining about all of the "free" goodies Stephanie Nielson has received based on what she's been through and her notoriety. People need to quit being jealous and petty. Be supportive and kind. It shouldn't be that hard.

  3. Love it! I'm a mom who actually does work a few days a week and I'm telling you right now that on any given day I would much rather be taking care of my fantastic 1 year old than making money. I love nursing, but no career can compete! And at home i do all of the budgeting, spending and investing--just like most moms. I think any woman who thinks that a stay-at-home mom is irrelevant in "real" society is an idiot.

  4. And as the stayed at home mother of this stay at home mother blogger ....let me say I am so proud! It's a blessing to be home and definitely the harder "job ". My grandkids are the beneficiaries. Thanks daughter!

  5. I read too!!! Well said Reese! Well said.

  6. For the record not all liberals or the left agree with what Hilary Rosen said. I think it's appalling and in very poor taste. Stupid people always find their way to a microphone.

  7. Thanks Reese. I was outraged when I saw the comments! Spending all day with these kiddos is hard work!. There are some days when I think it would be easier to drop them off someplace for 8 hours while I had a conversation with people my own age. I wouldn't trade being home for the world, but my patience is tested daily raising just one child. I can't imagine 5 boys.

  8. Chad the stay at home DadApril 12, 2012 at 8:25 PM

    We won't always agree with one another, my opinion is not meant to demean or to patronize. I am just simply stating what I have heard and what I feel.

    First of all- she currently has no ties to the White House. In fact numerous White House staff members have come out to say that they disagree with her statements. She herself has apologized, and forgiveness is definitely merited in this situation. Her comments were in poor taste and she should have chosen better words. She did not mean what she said, and she was caught in the moment. She did a bad job of explaining her point of view. I really don't think there are many people today who believe that stay at home moms or DADS are not hard working- including Hilary Rosen.

    What she was trying to say is that the Romney's had enough money to make there lives much easier than 98 percent of us.They could hire a nanny, a chef, or a butler if she chose too. Having money makes life a lot easier, and I am sure the biggest problems they faced in life had something to do with trying to figure out which schools there kids were going to get into. She didn't have to worry about the choice of paying a heating bill or feeding her children. She was lucky in the fact that she had enough money to help her family out. This doesn't mean that she did not have her own problems and struggles in life. Her final point that the type of person we want representing us as a nation? That is for you to decide. Just trying to stick to the topic at hand.

    1. The White House is certainly trying to distance themselves from Hilary Rosen at the moment. She has visited the White House 35 times in three years. That's not a small acquaintance of the President.

      And, again, there is considerable judgement on the part of the Romneys simply because they have money. Why hate on the rich? They are the ones creating jobs and infusing the economy with cash. Most of the people running for national office are rich, including our President. I don't think there's anything wrong with a rich person, especially one that's earned their riches, and especially one that's charitable and giving. Romney's business work has never been without considerable risk and you have to admit the guy has guts.

      Belittling Ann by saying "I am sure the biggest problems they faced in life had to do with trying to figure out which schools there (sic) kids were going to get into" is short-sighted and cruel. Parents should sympathize with other parents. There's a lot more to parenting than simply economic concerns. It's tough when kids are young, it's tough when they are older. It doesn't always have to be about money, but unfortunately for the Romneys it appears that's what the left wants everyone to think. That somehow they are different than average Americans.

      What I care about is having a President that is in tune with average Americans, not a President that continues to deny our economic plight and blame outside influences and predecessors. I want a President that understands how business works and how to get our country on track rather than permeate a constant nanny state. I want a President who is proud of this nation, our Constitution, and will stand at the beacon of the White House and proclaim to the world without apology that this is a great nation. There's a lot that I want. Mitt isn't everything, but he's got what we need.

    2. Chad the stay at home DadApril 19, 2012 at 9:45 PM

      "What I care about is having a President that is in tune with average Americans, not a President that continues to deny our economic plight and blame outside influences and predecessors. I want a President that understands how business works and how to get our country on track rather than permeate a constant nanny state. I want a President who is proud of this nation, our Constitution, and will stand at the beacon of the White House and proclaim to the world without apology that this is a great nation. There's a lot that I want. Mitt isn't everything, but he's got what we need."

      I agree completely, I want the same things! I doubt I agree on how we are going to get there though. I really want the rich to pay more, and not just by them donating there money to charity.

  9. Chad, if they had such excess and acquired it honestly, why wouldn't we wnt that person managing millions of tax dollars? I don't want someone in the white house 'like me', I want someone smarter than me!!!!

    With regard to ms rosen's comments, irregardless of what she thinks of 'stay at home' moms, for her to judge someone so harshly(implying that Anne Romney isn't educated enough to understand our economy) as she did is disrespectful and petty. If she can't avoid saying things ' in poor taste' then she should avoid working in tv!

  10. I am with you!! Poor Ann to have had such terrible things said about her after raising Five boys and battling health issues! And in her so called "apology" Hilary half-heartedly said, "I am sorry if that offended you." that's just a way to say "I am really not sorry!" so annoyed today...

  11. Chad the stay at home DadApril 19, 2012 at 9:40 PM

    Tyler- Been thinking all week about you wrote. I can't see why I wouldn't want a leader who is and has been successful. I think the fact that he has money and has proven he can run a company and a state successfully says a lot about his ability. You are right on that it must be acquired honestly. ( I do wonder how many have done this)

    Politicians should be a representation of the people and it is just crazy the things Romney says sometimes. It is very hard to relate, and to feel like he will have my best interest in his plans.

    The rich usually help out the rich in politics and they tend stick together. You get me elected with all of your campaign funds and I will give you tons of tax breaks. I don't trust politicians, and in recent years they all just keep helping out their cronies while leaving the American people to suffer. This goes in hand in hand with corporate greed which Romney was a part of. Romney may be different, but recent history shows that we will all being paying more while the rich pay less.
