The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Distinction...from Chris Matthews???

It just goes to show the rest of the media might be getting better at translating Obama speak. 
From the mouth of Chris Matthews:

"He (Obama) should stop saying that giving people tax cuts is giving people money.  It's their money! A tax cut is when the government doesn't take our money.  It's an important distinction."


  1. Dear YouTube, why is every conservative video i stumble upon miraculously deleted? I am not one to believe in Aliens, UFO's or cover-ups... but this has got to be the largest cover-up in human history since Kennedy.

  2. (in case nobody could tell, i was poking fun of the people who believe we didn't go to the moon). But seriously this is worse then Watergate!
