The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We Own the Hill

"It's not the Kennedy's seat. It's not the Democrat's seat. It's the People's seat."
- Scott Brown

He said it right. In fact, I wish he would have yelled it. It is one of the most truthful and factual statements I've heard from a politician in a long time. His words reflect the frustrations of many. Who do our elected officials think they are? Don't they remember they represent a body of people and should have their best interests in mind?

BACKGROUND: Scott Brown is the Republican underdog challenging Democrat Martha Cloakley for the open Senate seat in Massachusetts. This is a special election to fill the vacancy left by Ted Kennedy. What Democrats didn't plan for was the race to tighten and Brown to have a fighting chance of winning. Should Brown win (crossing fingers...pretty please!), he could be the ONE member to block Obamacare from passing. He would be the 41st vote against it.

Brown has it spot on. Every seat in Congress belongs to the matter how long you've sat in it.

And if you're wondering what the people are saying as of late, a Gallup poll released today plainly shows the people are not happy. Not only are Obama's rating numbers down in most other categories (yet again), but the President's ratings with regards to health care are at 37%.

Yes, you read it right: 37%.

So why the push? Why the urgent, closed-door meetings on Health Care? Why the lack of transparency? Do you think our elected officials truly have the people in mind, or are they pushing an agenda other than ours?

I would suggest the numbers speak for themselves.

My eyes are on Massachusetts. If I knew anyone who lived there I would have been on the horn five minutes ago. Do you? Call them. Tell them to get informed and VOTE.


  1. My fingers are crossed for Scott Brown. I love your blog and am proud of you for following through on your passion. Its nice to know that there are other people that feel the same way. I just wish I had more time to become more informed.

  2. Just added you to my Google Reader! Way to be proactive and have a voice in such turbulent times!

  3. Congrats on your new blog Reese, I am all about open and honest political discussion so hopefully you won't mind if I disagree with you at times (me being a much more liberal mom). I would be interested to know why you are so against health care reform, maybe you could post about that.
