The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mexico Does Not Co-sign Laws

"The Second Amendment is not a subject open for diplomatic negotiation, with Mexico or any other nation."
 - Sen John Cornyn, (R - Texas)

Did you know the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, spoke to Congress today? He had a lot to say about OUR laws, specifically the new immigration law in Arizona and also the Assault Weapons Ban which was lifted in 2006.

I find it interesting he comes here to exert pressure and judgement so inappropriately. It doesn't seem diplomatic to step on foreign soil and be so critical of how we do things here.

I like what Michael McCaul (R-Texas) had to say: 

"I think it's inappropriate for him to come in and criticize our law. When we go down to Mexico, we don't do that to the Mexicans. The Arizona law is not the problem. The problem is the growing violence down the border and securing the border and the Obama administration enforcing federal law."

Do you think President Calderon cares that his citizens flee Mexico and come here illegally? Many become criminals and are housed in our jails and managed through our judicial systems. It's one less felon for him to worry about in his own country.

This is what he had to say about the new Arizona immigration law:

"I strongly disagree with the recently adopted law in Arizona. It's a law that not only ignores reality, but also introduces racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement."

Pfffff! I can't handle it. He obviously hasn't read the bill along with the rest of our leaders...

And you know what is sickening? Our United States Congress gave him a standing ovation


Have you been pulled over by a police officer before? 
I have.
It was a stupid ticket that I'm still mad about...but that's beside the point.'s the kicker...when I was pulled over I had to show my ID.

Do you think it's wrong to ask someone, who also happens to be illegal, to show their ID when pulled over for a regular traffic offense?

Why does an illegal get more privilege than me? 



  1. I generally agree with you that there has been some fear tactic employed over the new immigration law, but when you say "Do you think President Calderon cares that his citizens flee Mexico and come here illegally? Many become criminals and are housed in our jails and managed through our judicial systems. It's one less felon for him to worry about in his own country." I have to take issue with that.

    As someone who studies Latin America at the PhD level, I can tell you that Calderón does care about losing hard working, tax paying citizens across the border. He is very aware of the impact that it has because he is dealing with the same thing on his southern border with Guatemala. It is a fallacy to believe that all (or even the majority) of those who cross the border illegally are dyed in the wool criminals. They aren't going about the immigration process the right way, but they are seeking a better life and opportunity. The fact that they have to come illegally attests to a broken immigration system. (see braceros program which started during WWII)

    Until we change the plaque on the Statue of Liberty, be cautious how you judge immigrants as a group and reconsider what is "the american dream".

    "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, with conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    Hope all is well with you guys!

  2. Im waiting for the cable guy and reading the insights of my dear friend... "reese" You are amazing!
    hope your trip was great we missed you!

  3. Ryan, with a PHD you should know the statue of Liberty is a gift from the French and the plaque is referring to french/American ties. Mexico's largest gift to the US is the pottery we pay for and the debt from socialism they happily provide. We pay for it's unwanted citizens childrens big screen TV and car loan when they lose their job at McDonalds and go on unemployment.

    I have the same sympathy for any white person waiting in an unemployment line, but go down to one in Arizona, California, new Mexico or Texas, tell me what percentage are Hispanic? Now go on CIA's website and tell me the percentage of population of Hispanics vs. their drain on society vs. Asians, and whites.

    Chinese know what happens with big government, that is why you see them immigrating illegally but they are not a drain. They work hard and do not use government services for the most part.

    California unemployment rate for Asians is relatively low, just 9.5% in July, compared with 17.1% for blacks, 14.9% for Latinos and 12.0% for whites. (go in person to an unemployment office and these numbers do not work out right, regardless they speak for themselves).
