The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arizona Guts

"Since the president's joke was so inappropriate [she's referring to a joke about the AZ immigration law], I suppose if he wanted to join the comedian game, I could suggest that he not give up his day job. Unfortunately, though, he isn't doing very well at that one, either."
Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer

Do you remember when Bush was president? That guy could not catch a break. He was constantly criticized, ridiculed and blasted by the media. Now, I do believe the president of this great nation should know full-well what level of criticism he/she will be subject to upon making a run for the presidency, but what I'm baffled about is why no one has the guts to be critical of President Obama. And not just fluffy criticism about his social blunders...I mean, serious questioning about his policy and his agenda.

Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona is apparently one of the few. As Rush said, this Governor has GUTS:
"While the president is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona be punished for enforcing laws that our federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best. Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation understand the crisis which confronts our state. Our nation's government is broken. Our border is being erased, and the president apparently considers it a wonderful opportunity to divide people along racial lines for his personal political convenience."
Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, you can't deny that Obama has divided this country more than any of his predecessors. From where I sit, there appears more hatred, more divide and more focus on racial differences, rather than a focus on our commonality as American citizens. 

On a different note....

I'm back and working into this blogging thing again...vacation was heavenly. I avoided politics for almost ALL of the 10 days I was gone. If there's anything you want to a girl out and send it to me and I will post!  Happy Wednesday All!

1 comment:

  1. Good comment yesterday in news...if Obama thinks the government can fix banks, finances, car companies, mortgages, healthcare, etc and has no problem moving forward with government intervention in every area.....why then with something the government is supposed to do like secure our borders, does he feels no need to act? But in fact ridicules, pits states against each other, pits races against each other, and pits society against itself and denounces the enforcement of a federal law. I can only think he wants the US to lose its own character and the freedoms that it was built upon. Wow. Is that our future?
