The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dino is Back

"Restore the Dream.
Control Spending."
 - Dino Rossi

He's back!!! I was thrilled when I got the news.

See it here...there may be hope yet for our deeply entrenched liberal state of Washington! 

I would like nothing other than to see Patty Murray un-seated.

CNN even says it could be "competitive".  I think they're underestimating us...and Dino.

Source: CNN Article 

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Thoughts Exactly

"Just because he won't face it -- or even answer questions about it -- doesn't mean the rest of us must ignore it...America is in trouble, and Obama can't be counted on to save her."
 - Michael Goodwin

I like being an American. But it appears it's becoming taboo to say such a thing. I honestly feel a little trembling in my knees when I start to think of the implications of that. 

President Obama refuses to take note of the climate in this country. Rather, he doubles down with his head in the sand and continues forward. The rest of us are shrugging our shoulders going, "What just happened!?" It seems Twilight Zone-ish. I just can't really fathom what's happening, and I'm left wondering why we don't have a mutiny on our hands...yet. I think it's coming this Fall...but that's another post...

Michael Goodwin, in his Op Ed about Obama's "accomplishments" said it better than I can:
[Obama] speaks softly to foreign adversaries and uses the big stick on American dissenters...
Iran and Syria are wooed endlessly with carrots, apologies and promises of grand bargains. They respond with taunts and threats and pay no penalty...
The Mexican president comes to Washington and berates American citizens for expressing their views through the democratic process, and Obama shamefully nods in agreement... 
A State Department aide apologizes to China -- to China! -- about our treatment of illegal immigrants...
Meanwhile, American "fat-cat bankers" and "greedy" doctors and sundry opponents are demonized as enemies of the state. They respond by sullenly surrendering the health-care and financial industries to Big Government...
Obama has made two fundamental decisions, and both are making us weaker. He is putting America on bended knee around the world, and he is centralizing in the political class more and more power over the domestic economy.

If you think someone else is going to stand up and demand accountability and real change, you're wrong. It's got to be you and me, or it's going to be nobody. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

There's No Place Like America

"If America is so racist...why do they all want to come here?  Would somebody 'splain that to me?  And then once they get here, if we are so damned racist against Hispanics, if we're so discriminatory against Hispanics, if we are so terrible on human rights issues...then why do they stay?  Why do they fight so hard against being sent back home?"
 - El Rushbo

Rush is referencing the results of an AP poll released Friday stating Hispanics are the most discriminated group of people in this country (winning out over blacks and women).  You gotta love the media, right?!

They continue to make this about race. When is someone going to get a clue?

The race card is the President's only option. The only way he can coerce the American population to shirk from any type of anti-illegal-immigration reform is to make them think they are horrible, racist people.  There's no other way.

Source: Mr. Rush Limbaugh, from 05/22/2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mexico Does Not Co-sign Laws

"The Second Amendment is not a subject open for diplomatic negotiation, with Mexico or any other nation."
 - Sen John Cornyn, (R - Texas)

Did you know the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, spoke to Congress today? He had a lot to say about OUR laws, specifically the new immigration law in Arizona and also the Assault Weapons Ban which was lifted in 2006.

I find it interesting he comes here to exert pressure and judgement so inappropriately. It doesn't seem diplomatic to step on foreign soil and be so critical of how we do things here.

I like what Michael McCaul (R-Texas) had to say: 

"I think it's inappropriate for him to come in and criticize our law. When we go down to Mexico, we don't do that to the Mexicans. The Arizona law is not the problem. The problem is the growing violence down the border and securing the border and the Obama administration enforcing federal law."

Do you think President Calderon cares that his citizens flee Mexico and come here illegally? Many become criminals and are housed in our jails and managed through our judicial systems. It's one less felon for him to worry about in his own country.

This is what he had to say about the new Arizona immigration law:

"I strongly disagree with the recently adopted law in Arizona. It's a law that not only ignores reality, but also introduces racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement."

Pfffff! I can't handle it. He obviously hasn't read the bill along with the rest of our leaders...

And you know what is sickening? Our United States Congress gave him a standing ovation


Have you been pulled over by a police officer before? 
I have.
It was a stupid ticket that I'm still mad about...but that's beside the point.'s the kicker...when I was pulled over I had to show my ID.

Do you think it's wrong to ask someone, who also happens to be illegal, to show their ID when pulled over for a regular traffic offense?

Why does an illegal get more privilege than me? 


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Light Reading

"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted Monday that she has not read the controversial Arizona immigration law even though she's gone on television to critcize it, and continued to assert that it was 'bad law enforcement law.'"
 - Fox News 05.18.10

Do you know how many pages it is?


Ten pages. 

First, I want to give kudos to Arizona for creating a succinct bill...unlike that 2500+ page Obamacare monstrosity. And even then, when critics were ridiculing the length, supporters were saying, it's only 2500 pages...just read it! 

Second, WHAT?! Are you kidding me. Napolitano is all over the press criticizing this bill and she hasn't read the ten measly pages!

What's worse?  Check this:

"The admission comes after Attorney General Eric Holder, who earlier warned the law could create a 'slippery slope' toward racial profiling, told a House committee last week that he had not read the bill either. On Tuesday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said he too had not read the bill, even as he defended diplomatic official Michael Posner for comparing the law to Chinese human rights violations."


Arizona Guts

"Since the president's joke was so inappropriate [she's referring to a joke about the AZ immigration law], I suppose if he wanted to join the comedian game, I could suggest that he not give up his day job. Unfortunately, though, he isn't doing very well at that one, either."
Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer

Do you remember when Bush was president? That guy could not catch a break. He was constantly criticized, ridiculed and blasted by the media. Now, I do believe the president of this great nation should know full-well what level of criticism he/she will be subject to upon making a run for the presidency, but what I'm baffled about is why no one has the guts to be critical of President Obama. And not just fluffy criticism about his social blunders...I mean, serious questioning about his policy and his agenda.

Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona is apparently one of the few. As Rush said, this Governor has GUTS:
"While the president is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona be punished for enforcing laws that our federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best. Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation understand the crisis which confronts our state. Our nation's government is broken. Our border is being erased, and the president apparently considers it a wonderful opportunity to divide people along racial lines for his personal political convenience."
Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, you can't deny that Obama has divided this country more than any of his predecessors. From where I sit, there appears more hatred, more divide and more focus on racial differences, rather than a focus on our commonality as American citizens. 

On a different note....

I'm back and working into this blogging thing again...vacation was heavenly. I avoided politics for almost ALL of the 10 days I was gone. If there's anything you want to a girl out and send it to me and I will post!  Happy Wednesday All!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Unphased by Liberalism

"But the fact of the matter is, this is who I am, and this is who the people elected."

- Gov. Chris Christie (New Jersey)

* Update - That video was pulled due to copyrights.  I've linked another one below.

I have been completely and utterly out of the loop for the last week. That's what being on a boat in the middle of the Caribbean will do to you. But I heard about this is awesome.

I love this guy.

Have I said that before?

I so desperately want him to succeed and show that conservatism works!!

Governor Christie means business. Check this video of him sockin' it to a liberal reporter. It makes me happy.


Friday, May 7, 2010

This is America, Right?!

"And they're wearing, of all horrific things, the American flag." 
 - Lis Wiehl, Fox News legal analyst

Have you heard about this? Five students at a fairly diverse high school in California were asked to change their American flag apparel on Cinco de Mayo because a few hispanic students complained they were offended.

(raising my eyebrows...really HIGH)

The administrators are saying they were trying to prevent violence. Okay, I can understand administrators are dealing with a lot of pressure to protect these kids...but...

What the heck is going on in the world?!!!!

Rush said:  "Right. American flag, American colors, red, white, and blue are now judged in certain parts of the country as trouble, or hate speech..."

This is America, right?!  The parents of these students support this American school with their hard earned tax dollars, right?!  These kids should certainly be able to wear the flag that is of this country, right?! 

And from the LA Times: "What country is Morgan Hill [city] in again?' asks  conservative blogger Conn Carroll. 'When Americans celebrate St. Patrick's Day or Columbus Day, don't we always see American flags flying right along side Irish and Italian ones? Why are the Mexican Americans at Live Oak High so insulted by the flag of the country that they live in? Do they not consider themselves Americans first?'"

Good thing I'm going on the happiest place on earth...I need it...


Monday, May 3, 2010

Liberal Definition

"To them, the essence of life is unfair...and they always assign the suffering to economic or racial reasons."
 - Rush Limbaugh 04.30.10

I'm heading into one of the busiest weeks of my life with vacation on the horizon, so posting might fall by the wayside. I'm hoping I can stay with it. Did you know about this oil spill? Crazy. I didn't until this weekend. I've been out of it. That's what traveling out of town sans husband with my crazy children will do to me.

And if you think the oil spill is going to be political, you better believe it. As suggested by a caller on Rush's program Friday, our leadership is likely to come out saying this is evidence and reason for preventing oil exploration in the future.  The caller quoted Reagan's speech after the Challenger tragedy (I was little, but I remember that firsthand)...Reagan said:

"Sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave."

I believe Reagan is right. But the liberals are going to turn this oil spill into a political attack on oil exploration. This was what Rush had to say about liberals:

"To them, the essence of life is unfair. Just life itself is unfair, because there are days that people hurt. There are days that people suffer. And they always assign the suffering to economic or racial reasons. People are suffering because they don't have as much as the next guy does. Or they are suffering because they're of a minority skin color...Folks, liberalism is hideous. It is the antithesis of being pro-human. It looks at life as a burden in and of itself to be managed, rather than as a blessing to be explored and lived to the fullest."

I'm not belittling suffering. I'm just saying what would life be without suffering? We must face hardships to cherish the moments of joy. Liberals think the opposite...remove the hardships (which is impossible, by the way), and live your life like a robot. No pain. No joy. Not much of a life if you ask me.
