"I didn't stand with the banks and the financial industries in this fight. Neither did any of the members of Congress who are here today. We stood with you."
- President Obama (speaking about student loan takeover)
Obama signed the health care amendment yesterday...which is where today's quote is from. It's ironic to me how this administration continues to demonize businesses. A recovering economy needs healthy, profitable businesses, no? And how can he stand "with us" if his disapproval rating is at 50%. Again with the fuzzy math.
But back to my original thought...
Included in the health care amendment was a complete takeover of the federal student loan program, eliminating banks and other federal institutions from the equation.
But back to my original thought...
Included in the health care amendment was a complete takeover of the federal student loan program, eliminating banks and other federal institutions from the equation.
This is just one more takeover to chalk up to Obama's "transformation" plan. Slowly but surely this president is creating a welfare state with middle class families becoming dependent on the government. In the words of Marcee Tidwell (Jerry Maguire), "I'm freaking out here, Jerry!"
First - Government bailout and takeover of the car industry. President Obama and his car czar now have a say in how GM/Chrysler run their business. You think they will continue to allow GM to produce gas-guzzlers?? Think again.
Interesting fact...our Tahoe (made by GM) which we purchased 18 months ago is now worth MORE than we paid due to simple supply and demand economics. I wonder why GM is not producing more of these vehicles? I love my Tahoe and the sound of my meaty engine. It makes me happy. Obama, however, believes I'm melting an iceberg each time I put the pedal to the metal.
Second - Federalizing health care, which will eventually become nationalized health care if Obama has his way. This essentially determines how the citizens of this nation will live their lives.
And, Third, this government takeover of student loans. Any institution utilizing these loans will become subject to the government. President Obama will have ideological enforcement at colleges and universities across the nation. Thinking your college children will be receiving a liberal education is an understatement...think more extreme...
What's next on the takeover list? I hate to even entertain ideas...
Chris Baker, in for Glenn Beck this morning, mentioned two things I love:
(1) Americans were not meant to live their lives on a leash.
(2) I want to be a citizen rather than a subject.
Obama's takeover ignores both ideals.
Chris Baker, in for Glenn Beck this morning, mentioned two things I love:
(1) Americans were not meant to live their lives on a leash.
(2) I want to be a citizen rather than a subject.
Obama's takeover ignores both ideals.