The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage on the Ballot

We are less than a week away until election day. Of course, my mind is constantly preoccupied with "Mittmentum" and getting that guy moved into the White House for the next four years. But there are some state races here in Washington that are turning into quite a fight. Or maybe not so much of a fight but more of a game-changer. 

R-74: Allowing same-sex couples to marry.
This is a society game-changer.

I found this WONDERFUL article today. I may be a little "out of the loop" but I haven't even heard of Dennis Prager until I stumbled upon this article. He is a conservative commentator and syndicated radio talk-show host. So, who knew? Not me? But I may look for him from now on! Here are three amazing take-aways from his article:

(1) Prager provided the best view on the other "side" (aka the pro side) that I've seen to date on this issue. He talks about the "fairness" idea within the same-sex marriage argument. All the Pro-R-74 commercials are nice people who love each other and/or family members and want them to be able to marry and be happy. And not allowing them to marry and be happy is unfair. And Prager points out that is true. It is unfair. But when standards are created, they WILL always be unfair to some. He's right. Traditional marriage is not fair for some people and that made me feel more compassion on the issue than before. Simply recognizing this fact was good for me...and maybe I felt a twinge of self-guilt that I lacked more compassion on the issue before. But even though it may be unfair, it's not enough to swing the pendulum in favor of same-sex marriage (...keep reading). 

(2) He also does a VERY FINE job debunking the myth that denying marriage to same-sex couples is equivalent to racism. When I hear this argument, the hairs on my neck literally stand on end. I am not a racist. And I am not a hater. I am moral and I have a right to an opinion on a MORAL argument. Please read his full article if you think opposition to same-sex marriage is somehow equivalent to racism. No matter where you stand on same-sex marriage, it is easy to see how this issue is anything akin to racism. 

(3) His main point is so clear; I just loved it. He essentially states gender is important - vital, in fact to our society. Allowing same-sex marriage will erase gender identifications. My own religious doctrine also coincides with the idea that gender is not an accident: "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." Prager goes on to state a society that allows same-sex marriage essentially nullifies gender. Forget "motherhood", "fatherhood", mom/dad, male/female. Just watch...litigation over such titles will overflow in our judicial system (it already Prager points to specific examples). He goes on to point out why this will be so destructive. 

My point is...just read this article...wherever you stand on R-74 or same-sex marriage. It is worth 5 minutes of your time. 

Full article click here.

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