The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Biden's Blunders

Biden is a walking disaster. I can't believe they don't force HIM to speak solely on a teleprompter. The guy is a total and complete PR disaster. But on the flip side, I kinda like his loose lips...he gives me a better idea of what the White House is really thinking...

Exhibit A: Upon visiting a custard shop in Wisconsin (mmmm, custard), Biden asked the owner what he owed him. The owner said, "Don't worry, it's on us...Lower our taxes and we'll call it even."  I actually think it's quite a witty and legitimate comment! Wanna know what Biden said,

"Why don't you say something nice instead of being a smartass all the time?"

AWESOME. Any citizen or business owner interested in a lower tax bill is now a smart-aleck.

Exhibit B: On this same trip at a fundraising event for Senator Feingold, he said:

"There's no possibility to restore the 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession."

You gotta love that optimism! But at least he and I are on the same page.  There really is no way Obama-nomics creates wealth and jobs.

Exhibit C: Later at this same fundraising event he said:

This administration "inherited a god-awful mess."

Again with the blame. I'm absolutely sick of it as an answer to our current economic disaster. I'm trying to figure out at what point people realize the Obama Administration turned an economic downturn into an economic recession, with no hope for us or our grandchildren to ever dig out.

And a side note, the guy has absolutely NO tact.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Not so shocking...

It shouldn't shock you, unless you haven't been paying attention...

On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

Like I said, infuriating, but not surprising.


Thursday, June 17, 2010


"These are not the acts of a teacher on Constitutional law. These are the acts of a big city boss or a third world dictator. If you want to know why business has pulled in its horns and hunkered down, and why people at tea parties and elsewhere are scared, look no further than Barack 'I Am The Law' Obama."
 - Ben Stein, The American Spectator, 6.16.10

When I was a teenager I babysat often for my family's closest friends. One summer while home from college I watched the four kids for a weekend.  The youngest (about 5 at the time) and I had a real go for those few days. One night I had made dinner and served it to the kiddos. The youngest, "T",  said, "I don't want that." And I said, "Okay. I'm sorry this isn't your favorite, but this is what's for dinner." Dramatically, T said he wanted a popsicle instead and his mom let him have popsicles for dinner. I replied, "Popsicles are dessert. They are not for dinner." Young T was quite upset...tantrum ensued and he screamed at me, "YOU ARE NOT THE LAW....MY MOM'S THE LAW!!!"  

My mom and I still giggle at this incident. "T" had it right. As a mother now myself I know that I'm the law and what I say goes. That's what I get for my sleepless nights, constant management of whining, organizing play dates/activities, and cooking, serving, cleaning three meals each day plus snacks.  I at least get to lay down the law in my own house. appears our President has the same kind of "mom" mentality.  But he has it wrong in a number of being that he works for us and reports to us.  He doesn't get to say it's the law just because he's the President. But Obama doesn't care.

A GREAT piece by Ben Stein yesterday in The American Spectator.  Read the WHOLE article here.  

Yes, BP should probably pony up and pay out for this horrible disaster, but not because the President mandates they do so. Stein says, "But the action of the President in demanding this immense transfer of stockholders' wealth without any legislation or court decision is extremely worrisome."   

Stein continues: "We live in a Constitutional Republic.  The President's job under the Constitution is to enforce the laws made by the elected Congress. His job is not to create new laws and enforce them all by himself.  His job is as magistrate under the Constitution, not as Caudillo.  He is not the law.  He is supposed to enforce what Congress decides."  

And I'm still trying to figure out why we don't focus on stopping the gushing.  That seems like Priority #1 to me.  

Gotta run...I need to make sure my kids remember I Am the Law... that is, until the President steps in and tells me how to run my know it's coming...


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm here...

So...summer is here for us Seattle-ites, even though the weather wouldn't clue you in at all. But this means my preschooler is home every day and life is instantly busier as we celebrate the sun...that will come soon enough.

You know I am passionate about conservatism. I've been closely following Governor Chris Christie, I'm dumbfounded at President Obama's response to the oil spill, I'm excited for the anti-Washington mood to threaten incumbents, and I'm excited for Dino here in Washington State. 

I'm also passionate about this...

and this...
I know you can't blame me when I say I am dedicating this summer to my precious girls. They are so little and the time is so short. This translates to less posting, but please keep me on your Google Reader for sporadic posts throughout the summer and tune in for more frequent posting in the fall. That's when things will get VERY interesting!

If you get fired up about something...send me an email and I may just cut and paste it in a post (as long as I like it!).  

Happy Summer! I hope you are spending more time with your littles...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Belated Remembrance

Unfortunately, too many Americans do not understand that our freedom has not been free but has come at great sacrifice in lives of those special Americans who died for this right.
 - Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney

I know I'm a few days late on my Memorial Day post. Remember, I'm a stay-at-home things happen (like six stitches to a kid's forehead) that slow me down.

I love this country.  I love what it stands for. I consider myself patriotic. I want my country to be better. I want to protect the cause of freedom around the world. I love these few lines from Oliver North:

In the three and a half decades since Vietnam, not a single year has passed without Americans in uniform being committed to hostile action somewhere around the globe...We are not a war-like people. But for more than two centuries ours has been the only nation on earth willing to consistently send its sons and daughters into harm’s way – not for gold or oil or colonial conquest – but to offer others the hope of liberty.
Since 9/11/01 that great legacy has been borne by volunteers serving in the shadows of the Hindu Kush, along the banks of the Tigris & Euphrates, in the Persian Gulf and on anti-piracy patrols in the Indian Ocean. These young Americans are engaged against a merciless enemy who has proven repeatedly that there is no atrocity beneath them – and that they will do whatever it takes to kill as many of our countrymen as possible.
Those now in uniform deserve our thanks, for no nation has ever had a better military force than the one we have today. And no accolade to those presently in our country’s service is greater than honoring the veterans who preceded them on Memorial Day.

I love The Pioneer Woman blog. She's a home-schooling mother of four living life on a ranch in Oklahoma. Her blog is all things cooking, farming, family, and photography-oriented. Her latest photo submission request was for "Coming Home" photos. They are touching and beautiful. Sometimes we think of our military as a worldwide powerhouse (which they are, don't get me wrong), but I think we sometimes forget our service men and women are just regular people with regular families. It brings to light more of the sacrifice when you consider what they leave behind to serve and what the ultimate sacrifice really means when they don't come home. If you want to see some of these touching photos, click below. 

No matter the craziness of the political game we are facing in our nation right now, there is still something worth fighting for and these men and women know firsthand what that is. We can learn from them.

In honor of Memorial Day, I add my thanks and remembrance to all those who have served and sacrificed. Thank you. 
