The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't Let Political Correctness Get in the Way

"The regime [Obama Administration] versus the state of Arizona; the regime taking the side of the lawless; the regime taking the side of drug coyotes; the regime taking the side of smugglers."
 - Rush Limbaugh, 04.27.2010

I just love some of the quotes from Rush today:
"San Francisco says that they are going to boycott Arizona, and I'm sure the people of Arizona are happy as hell about that."
"Now, notice how the Democrats, the regime, the media, the left are calling Arizona's new immigration bill an outrageous usurpation of power.  Meanwhile, that same regime is moving to take away our salt, our lightbulbs, reaching down into every nook and cranny of our lives, and they don't bat an eye." 
"What is so hard to understand that the problem here with illegal immigration is ILLEGAL and do they not know that 'illegal' means 'against the law'? Do they not know there's already a law? You can't be illegal unless there's a law proscribing the activity." 
"But all of you people who want to boycott Arizona, you're not going to have to boycott.  People aren't going to go there if it isn't safe -- it's just that simple -- and that's the primary job of the US government: The protection and safety of the citizens, and they have failed, big time."
Quoting Leo Banks, "The farther you get from the line, the more people want to make this problem about race. It's the ground the left wants to fight on because it's so effective. Political correctness shuts people up and keeps the border open."  
Do any of my Arizona readers wish to comment?

Do I have any Arizona readers?

Hello? (tap, tap)  Is this thing on?

Aunt A.? You there?  (I think you're my only AZ reader)

Well, if anyone knows the best friend of your uncle's brother-in-law, ask 'em what they think. Email me. I'll post it. I'm curious for a first-hand account if anyone wants to share.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry.......just have been so busy picketing the new SR1070 law. It's been exhausitng!


    Most of us down here are fine with the new law and realize things arent going to change all that much! The drug cartel issue is very scary and conservatives for years have been trying to call some more attention to this(Glenn Beck). Napolitano said a few years back "if it ever becomes a problem we will address it"! Really? Becomes a problem! She is a piece of work, you need to do a post on her and some of her homeland philosophy! Ugh!

    So yes, most of Arizona is really ok with this new law, regardless of our color of skin. Those that aren't most likely have reasons to dislike it, like illegal ones.

    Good job, I will check more often!
