Last night was tough. I watched as my hopes for a Mitt Romney presidency were dashed one by one with the swing states going to Obama. And here in Washington, the voters approved gay marriage and recreational marijuana use, which really took the wind out of my sails. I gave into the deflation last night. I let myself be sad - admittedly, VERY sad.
Before I went to bed I snuggled each of my kids in their own beds. I kissed their sleepy cheeks and caressed their hair. Despite my government and community fostering what I consider immoral values and fiscal irresponsibility, my responsibility as a parent remains devoted to my three sweet little girls. That will never change. My husband came home just before midnight. We were texting back and forth as election results came in, so he was not surprised to see a weepy lump on the couch. Like always, he honed in my focus on the "bigger picture". No matter what occurs outside our home, our obligation is to this family and we will teach our children to live a responsible, moral life despite a government endorsing the opposite. My fears can overtake me if I let them, but my hope and faith must champion over the doubt. Last night I vowed to wake up today renewed and focused; clear and calm. And I did (despite my puffy eyes).
I am flying my flag again today. My pride in this country did not die last night. Conservatism did not die last night. Our nation has sacrificed too much to allow the loss of one important election to derail the course of Conservatism, truth, and morality. The cause shifts to the people and I have faith in the American people. The election results are clear on one thing: our great nation is divided. I hope and pray President Obama and our elected officials can somehow come together and save our nation from the fiscal cliff, sequester, and our debt crisis. So much of importance is ahead and giving in now to the fear and worry solves nothing.
No matter the result, my resolve is the same. I love this country too much. And I will support my leaders so long as they chose a moral course forward and live within the framework of the Constitution. If not, I will fight and champion the causes within my own sphere of influence in a civil manner.
I am STILL proud to be an American.