My life is in chaos right now, but this has torn a fire through me and I want all of my readers (hi mom and my sisters!) to know how the left continues to belittle and degrade women and their cries for "Women's Rights" are hypocritical and hostile. The left constantly talks about how Conservatives hate women, how we want to withhold birth control rights or tie up their sexual adventures...blah blah blah. But THIS!!! From a woman who is a major adviser to President Obama...and notice how little press there is about it all...
Hilary Rosen on CNN last night had this to say about Ann Romney:
“With respect to economic issues, I think, actually, Mitt Romney is right, that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their family, and the like. But he doesn’t connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues. When I listen to my wife that’s what I’m hearing. Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the economic issues that — a majority of issues that women are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send to them to school, and how we worry about their future.”
It's insane. If I was Ann Romney I might just walk up to Hilary Rosen and slap her in the face. Okay, I probably wouldn't do that, but I may ask her to pay a visit to a house like mine and see for herself what the day in the life of a stay-at-home mom looks like. It's a pretty crazy day. And it's the hardest work out there. It's a life of meeting other people's needs. It's a life spent taking full responsibility for every part of a child's life....EVEN the economic needs. Don't tell a stay-at-home mom she doesn't understand basic economics, because she is usually the one managing the budget, doing the grocery shopping, paying the babysitters (on the oft chance she gets to get out!). It's not easy...even if you are not poor. Some days it's downright terrible. But for moms that choose to stay home, it's in no way a second-rate option to working. For most moms it's a sacred and rewarding and vital role.
EVEN if you don't like Mitt, how can you say this about his wife?! My goodness, the woman has battled cancer, MS, and raised five boys. Maybe I need to repeat that: RAISED.FIVE.BOYS. Are you insane! This woman probably wanted to send all of those boys to boarding school at one time or another, because I'm pretty sure boys do that to their moms every now and again. Boys are tough. They are rough and tumble and my life with three little girls differs drastically from anything Ann experienced!
So, in the name of feminism (which has such a terrible connotation these days), this is me expressing my complete and utter disgust that a WOMAN belittle the choice of another woman to stay at home and take full responsibility for raising her children. It's just downright disrespectful. If you are a woman, no matter working or not, this should disgust you. Liberals like to tell you they look out for the "little people", but in reality, they are constantly looking down at anyone that chooses something different from them. Don't be fooled by the antics of the left. They want to berate you until you agree with them, or have you tear apart your neighbor because they make different choices in their life.
Ann Romney deserves a pat on the back for raising responsible, community-involved boys who have values and morals and contribute to society.
I'm just mad today. Don't try and cross me on this one!