The Time is Now. This Stay-at-Home Mom is officially involved.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Christine O' take.

"We've got serious issues facing our country right now and this type of stuff is a diversion.  And I want to get back on message."
 - Sen. Candidate Christine O'Donnell, R-Del

It's a media firestorm over Christine O'Donnell, the underdog tea party candidate who clinched the GOP nomination in Delaware last week.  The win was a major victory to conservatives and tea party supporters.

If you didn't know about O'Donnell a month ago, I'm sure you've heard about her now.  The national media is all over her for a comment she made about witchcraft in her high school years (I'm not acknowledging this is bizarre, but nonetheless, kids do a lot of stupid stuff in their teenage years. Is it more stupid than cocaine?  I will let you decide, since President Obama has admitted to dabbling in cocaine but that doesn't seem to bother people too much). They also attack her for getting behind on her mortgage, and "not paying her taxes".  

She had a great interview with Sean Hannity on Tuesday (click here) to clarify some of these "personal" issues, but she also talks about what I think is most important: her policies and her campaign promises. Ultimately, that's the most important thing. 

"What's important to the people of Delaware are how we're going to get jobs back, how we're going to reduce the size of government. And they're worried about the tax hikes that are coming in January."

The problem for liberals? They cannot fight her on the issues. Her opponent, Democrat Chris Coons, knows her position on taxes, government spending, accountability and jobs are what can ultimately swing the election in her favor. She is behind the American people on the issues they deem important. Liberals know they have alienated the majority of the country, so their only plan of attack are these irrelevant and false, personal attacks. 

Whether you're a Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, you should be focused on what your voted representatives will DO while in office, which will ultimately determine how we live our lives. 

O'Donnell has an uphill battle in this general election, but she was 15 points behind in the primary election  a week before voting and ended up winning by 6. Don't overlook her ability to bounce back and keep the focus where it belongs: on the issues.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Distinction...from Chris Matthews???

It just goes to show the rest of the media might be getting better at translating Obama speak. 
From the mouth of Chris Matthews:

"He (Obama) should stop saying that giving people tax cuts is giving people money.  It's their money! A tax cut is when the government doesn't take our money.  It's an important distinction."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do You Trust These Guys?

"Start with the damage it would do to Washington's business climate, and how smacking a narrow band of successful people with a new tax of 5 to 9 percent would take almost $2 billion a year out of the private sector.  An income tax would fall like a ton of bricks on some of those involved with the most innovative, job-producing businesses and companies in Southwest Washington and the rest of the state."
 - WA State Senator Joseph Zarelli

Voting day looms...but Washingtonians need to pay attention to Initiative 1098. It could change your life...not all at once, but it will...and not in a good way.
Washington State is in financial trouble and this is the solution: Create a state income tax.

They will start with the highest wage earners (those making over $200k)...these people don't need that money anyway. Who the heck gets to decide who doesn't need their hard-earned cash-o-la? 

I hate this idea of pitting lower wage earners against higher wage earners.  I don't fall into the "rich" category, but I am still freaked out of 1098.  Here's why: I don't trust the government.  1098 paves the way for a full-fledged state income tax in two years for ALL income earners and you better believe they will move in that direction.  

This new state income tax structure will eventually include lower wage earners and the promised tax "eliminations" with 1098 are not permanent and will most likely be re-instated within a few years.  

From, here are 5 points to consider:

This last one is very scary to me. The health of our state depends on the health of the private sector, which is the ONLY area of the economy that actually creates a single job. Lack of a state income tax is a huge windfall for companies that move here...but we will soon lose that advantage if 1098 is passed. 

And what I find very interesting is the Bill Gates, Sr. television ad tnever actually mentions the words "Income Tax" just talks about lowering your tax bill.

If you knew Steve Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft) and Steve Bezos (CEO of have come out against I-1098 you would realize what this bill will do to attract businesses to this state. Businesses large and small are worried. I am too.

It's a job killer, my friends. Wake up and smell the may not be here much longer.

More Reading:
Wall Street Journal: The Gates of Confiscation
No on I-1098 - Imposing Income Tax Would Kill the State's Advantage

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Climate Change Needs a Bigger Umbrella

"The White House wants the public to start using the term 'global climate disruption' in place of 'global warming' -- fearing the latter term oversimplifies the problem and makes it sound less dangerous than it really is."
- Fox News, 09.16.2010

This made me, literally, laugh out loud. Check out the article. The government basically wants any reason to panic and point to the desperate need for "Cap and Tax" legislation any time the weather changes from rain to sun to snow to wind. Any "disruption" in our weather will be cause for alarm.

I live in Seattle for goodness sakes...we have odd weather patterns.  The environmentalists around here are going to be in heart-attack mode each night when the weatherman gives his evening report: Oh my gosh! It's been sunny and's going to RAIN!!  Call Al Gore!  

It doesn't surprise me.  If you haven't noticed...there's a lot of re-branding going on (see my previous post...and did you know the Democratic party announced it's re-branding today? New slogan, new website, new logo.  See it here.).


Taking Credit...NOW!?

"If we're serious about taking action to help our economy get back to creating jobs, Democrats and Republicans must come together and pass legislation this month that makes significant cuts in spending and stops President Obama's tax hike on small businesses."
House Minority Leader - John Boehner

Don't you just love how the media now calls the issue of extending the Bush-era tax cuts as "Obama's Middle Class Tax Cuts"?

I find it quite interesting that he's taking credit if he's enacting some sort of tax break for the middle class, which, of course, is not the case.  He's merely extending tax cuts that allowed prosperity under the Bush administration.  

And...if you didn't know...these tax cuts HAVE BEEN IN PLACE for everyone, even the wealthiest of Americans. 

A correct restatement of Obama's strategy is more like: Raise taxes on the rich and small business owners, but maintain the tax structure for everyone else.  

And, yes I've included small businesses in that category, because what you may not realize is most of the "wealthiest" Americans are owners of small businesses, and their small business income is reported on their personal tax return. This tax hike will kill small businesses and contract the economy further. Small businesses will have to either layoff employees to compensate for the tax hike or pull back on any type of expansion. 

Don't get fooled on this one. Obama continues to blame the rich for some type of increase in the deficit. But read between the lines and understand what he's really saying.  He knows he needs more taxes to fund his deficit-type spending. He NEEDS this tax hike. He hasn't had this extra income from the wealthiest of Americans, but he needs it now. He is desperate to fund his promises and has no other solution.

I would say start cutting the budget with an ax and repeal ObamaCare, but he won't listen to me...  

P.S. I'm working my way back into's been a crazy few months at our house, but I'm starting to get enraged, so  my conservative outlet must resume! 
